RV-Racing CNC machined Zenoah Tuning an Porting

RV-Racing engines and parts.

RC Airfilters By Twin Air.

N-R-P Largescale Products.

Zenoah RC car engines and parts.

Largescale suplies.

Sales and distribution.

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Original lightweight Rival buggy body.


ELF HTX 909 synthetic 2 stroke oil

Recommended for RV-Racing engines and kits
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Recommended for RV-Racing engines and kits with a mixing ratio of 1:25

ELF HTX 909 is a lubricant specially developed for 2-stroke competition engines used exclusively in a blend with leaded or unleaded petrol. Thanks to its high content in specially selected ricinus oil, ELF HTX 909 provides exceptional protection against gripping. ELF HTX 909 is used for 2-stroke leaded and unleaded petrol engines running at very high speeds (up to 25,000 rpm).


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RV-Racing High Performance Cranckcase High grade aloy 7075.

Complet with gasket bearings and seals.

Go Fast or Go Home!

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RV-Racing Tank stabilizing foam 50 x 50mm

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Impenetrable poly cubes baffle fuel to control surging. Stabilize fuel movement during jumps and turns.
Tank capacity loss is less than 1%
Directions: Fill your tank with as manny cubes as will fit without compressing them.
1 PCs

RN Tuning Modelsport v.o.f. -  Handelsweg 31 - Uithoorn - Netherlands